
A new semester with a whole bunch of new activities!
Helloooww everyone
A new semester has started, this means a lot of new activities! The LUAK clubhouse is open again every Thursday starting from 20h30, you can pass by to make climbing plans for the weekend, take a drink or borrow gear.
Make sure to check out all our activities on the calendar!

Start Academic year 24-25
helloooww luak people and interested people ✌️
The new academic year is closing in and with that also the start of a new luak year. This means of course new initiations, info evenings, lots of climbing and lots of fun.

Finally!.. The new website!!
For 4 years now, I have been promising to make a new website for LUAK. Most of you probably thougt it woud never happen. But the future is now! Take your agendas and mark the date, because this day is going down in the LUAK history books.